I previously blogged about the repository pattern and .NET implementations. Here are the links to those old posts: The Repository Pattern The Repository Pattern – Part 2 Since that time, I have zeroed in on a fairly
.net Archive

Ninject – Life Cycle Management or Scoping
Previously we discussed getting started with Ninject and dependency injection in general. In the getting started post, we introduced a fictitious example application. This application defined concrete implementation for the following interfaces: IFileSystem – Abstraction of file

Ninject – Getting Started, Resources, Basic Binding
This post will cover the information needed to get started with Ninject. By the end of this post, you will be able to use Ninject in your application as a dependency injector. Here is a description from

Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control Containers
In future posts, I plan on diving into Ninject 2. As I was writing that post, I found myself covering a lot of background material on dependency injection (DI) and inversion of control (IOC) containers. This is

Getting Started With CI Using Hudson For Your .NET Projects
In this post, I will explore installing and configuring Hudson as a continuous integration server for .NET projects. Why Hudson? This is good question. I know other CI servers exist, however, Hudson happens to already be an

Use MSTest To Run Your Tests Via Command Line
One step in setting up your continuous integration environment is getting your tests to run via a command line. My development environment is Visual Studio and I am using the Microsoft testing framework. I did not imagine