jquery Archive

jQuery Animation

Creating a rich user experience may require the need to have animation on the web page. Of course you can pull in tools like Flash and Silverlight. But sometimes, these are too heavy. If you only need

Photo Gallery – jQuery Release

My initial goal of using jQuery was to leverage the library to enhance the photo gallery user experience. Along the way, I decided to use AJAX to remove all page post backs (except the first one of

Photo Gallery – jQuery Slide Show Player

Most photo galleries have some option to allow the user to see an automated slide show. It is a nice feature and I wanted to use jQuery to implement it in the photo gallery that I have

Photo Gallery – jQuery Film Strip

As previously detailed the Photo Gallery utilizes a film strip on the left and a high resolution view in the center. The previous implementation showed all the thumbnails in a vertical film strip that could be scrolled.

Photo Gallery – jQuery Integration

In the last post, I released a version of the Photo Gallery that utilized ASP.NET and home brew JavaScript. For more information on the Photo Gallery check out the roadmap and previous posts. During this post, I