Monthly Archive:: October 2009

An Event Based Cron (Scheduled) Job In C#

Wikipedia defines ‘cron’ as… “Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. Cron is short for Chronograph. Cron enables users to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run automatically at a certain time

Image Compression in C# for ASP.NET MVC

The last couple of posts I have been developing a web based application (ASP.NET MVC) that can be used to monitor remote computers. Transporting image data can generate a lot of network traffic and effect the performance

Monitor Multiple Computers Remotely Using ASP.NET MVC

A while ago I blogged about an optimized method of capturing remote desktop views. The method can be used to get a decent remote desktop viewing experience. This was developed a bit here and here. In the

Polling Based Message Bus For ASP.NET Web Services

I have a client / server application where the server is an ASP.NET web service and the client is a WinForm application. There will be multiple clients and they will be deployed behind the firewall of the

Product Review: ReSharper 4.5

Resharper is a tool that integrates with Visual Studio and assists developers in writing cleaner code. What is means to be “clean” is set by a number of rules / policies and any infringment is visually indicated